Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting some rest after Jiminy and Wells

My race report for Jiminy Peak goes like this : missed out on the break.. tried to get away a few times, but just wore myself out.. didn't have much of a kick for the finishing climb and sprint. I think I need some rest.
I knew I was tired after Turtle Pond and Quabbin the week before and had planned to take a rest week interrupted only by a mid-week effort at the Charlie Baker TT. The TT was slightly disappointing, my legs were burning and I knew I didn't have the speed. This was confirmed by my ride home when I could barely turn the pedals as I sauntered down the bike path. Uh oh. Then I really finished myself off with a few days of powerlifting furniture up and down stairs while moving to Cambridge. So Saturday night I told myself I'm going to try the rest week thing again.. this time no CBTT, hopefully no more moving.
At Jiminy, Embrocation was represented by James (who continues to impress with his ability to finish off a race.. wining the bunch sprint at Quabbin and just behind Matt White and Jeremy Powers at Jiminy) and Myself. Josh had signed up but with the remnant dregs of his bout with Mini Horse Flu he decided against racing. However, the next day we had four of us together to race at Wells ave. Jay had shown up on time for the earlier, combined A+B race, but the rest of us, James, Josh and I, came about 10 laps late. I think we added some excitement to the race when we jumped in. The four of us did lots of attacking and countering. My legs actually felt like they were working a little, so I tried for the mid-race prime but was eeked out by Roy VanCleef (NEBC) after trying to shake him off my wheel for most of the front straight. James and Jay went one, two for a two place prime, fun stuff. The final sprint we had Jay up the road with one other. I followed the Met-life lead out but couldn't come around their sprinter. Jay was absorbed during the sprint but the person he was away with stayed away. So I ended up third, with Roy again about a half a mm back for fourth.
What a difference a day makes, now I'm fighting the urge to go out and do hill repeats.

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